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Authentic Movement

Authentic Movement is a mindfulness based movement practice. Authentic Movement is practiced in a dance studio with individuals, and groups. In Authentic Movement practice, physical movement can create a bridge between the implicit and explicit memory. This can create the possibility to explore internal material, as well as the relationship between the inside and outside, seeing and being seen. As people commit to the process of Authentic Movement, slowly, many find that they begin to bring the formless into form, the unspoken begins to be spoken, and the unseen, begins to be visible.

The Form Mary Whitehouse, the founder of Authentic Movement said “When the movement was simple and inevitable, not to be changed no matter how limited or partial, it became what I called “authentic” it could be recognized as genuine, belonging to that person. There is a necessary attitude of inner openness, a kind of capacity for listening to one’s self.… It is made possible only by concentration and patience.”

The basic form is a mover or movers, and a witness or witnesses. The mover moves with eyes closed and attends to his or her inner experience and impulses, choosing to follow or not follow impulses, working towards being able to track his or her experience and be in it while noticing what is happening. After the mover is finished moving there is a time for him or her to speak about her experience of moving. The witness’s job is to come with clear receptive presence, and to notice his or her experience of being in the presence of the mover, and when there is time to speak after the movement time is over to share the parts of his or her experience that are free of projection, interpretation, and judgment, and feel like they would be nourishing to the mover. The mover and the witness together, through attentiveness to their own ability to be present, can create a relationship of deep respect and empathy. This work can be done in a therapeutic setting or in a dyadic or group setting focused on personal growth and creativity. Regardless of the goals of the group the work is focused on healing, and growth, and supporting the development of all participants.

Who Participates?

Anyone seeking deeper understanding of themselves.

Mothers and Fathers wishing to deepen their relationship with themselves through the body, in order to offer that to their children.

Educators seeking to reconnect with the body as a primary way of knowing.

Artists seeking creative connection to their internal world.

Psychotherapists seeking embodied understanding of somatic therapeutic relationship.

We currently offer individual sessions, group sessions, retreats and trainings for Counseling CEU’s.

For more information see the website

Cultivating Presence through the Discipline of Authentic Movement meets every other Tuesday at 1:45. Please call now to join our group.